Wednesday, December 25, 2013

100th Year Of Birth Of Yasar Dogu

100th Year Of Birth Of Yasar Dogu
Yaşar Doğu who is the one of the most important sportsmen of turkish wrestling community was born in 1913 in Karlı Village of Kavak district of Samsun. He improved himself by doing karakucak in harvests and village weddings and became a wrestler. He entered to Güneş Wrestling Club in Ankara in the year of 1936 and participated in competitions on behalf of his club in Olympic wresting. He got into the National Team in the year of 1939.
Our national wrester, who has achieved countless victories both in country and out of country during his wresting career, became the World Champion in Helsinki World Freestyle Wrestling Championship in 1951.
Yaşar Doğu started to serve the Turkish wrestling as a coach after the year of 1952. He was deceased due to a heart attack in Ankara on 8 January 1961.
Yaşar Doğu is a wrestler whose strength admired by not only by Turkey but the whole world. His struggle and efforts to coach people for the sport of wrestling in our country is valuable as much as the championship he has achieved. During his sports life, he has only lost one match out of 47 Freestyle and Greco-Roman style and he was won 33 of 46 matches he has won with "fall".
At the centenary of his birth, the works regarding the transformation of his house in Emirli Village where he lived through his youth and adolescence years has been started by Hüseyin Aksoy, the Governer of Samsun.
A permanent postage stamp and first day cover of one value in commemoration of centenary of Yaşar Doğu, one of the most important people in Turkish sports history was put into circulation on the date of 23.12.2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

50th Year of The Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry

   The Faculty of Dentistry was established in 1963 and is one of the oldest faculties of Ankara University, the first university to be established by the Republic. In the 50 years since its establishment it has aimed to provide the best and most quality service at international standards with its experienced staff, it has kept patient satisfaction at top level, and has assisted in the establishment of many faculties of dentistry in Turkey and aboard and it also has adopted these as a mission.
   During certain periods, the faculty organizes national and international symposiums, panel discussions, conferences and it invites speakers from abroad for these panel discussions and conferences. Most of its teaching staff participates in international conferences and meetings and scientific studies conducted at the faculty are presented in the form of written andi oral communiques.
   The Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry has eight clinical departments, which are Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Therapy, Endodontia, Orthodontia, Pedodontia, Periodontology and Prosthetic Dentistry and one Basic Sciences Department. It maintains its position as one of the pioneers of modern dentistry education.
   PTT has issued a commemorative stamp consisting of one value and first day cover on 14.12.2013 in commemoration of the 50th Year of the Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry

Friday, December 13, 2013

Turkey and Palestine Joint Stamps


Turkey and Palestine Joint Stamps

Turkey has historic, cultural and social relations, with the people of Palestine dating back hundreds of years.
Palestine declared its independence on November 15, 1988 at Algeria and it was officially recognized by many countries including Turkey. Palestine passesses territories that are sacred for Jews, Christians and Muslims. On November 29,2012 the United Nations recognized the existence of Palestine by promoting its "Entity" status to "Non-Member State" status.
Al-Aqsa Mosque: Al-Aqsa Mosque means "The Farthest Mosque" in Arabic and it is located Jerusalem. It was constructed by Solomon the prophet in 715 AD.
A reason for the exceptional significance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Islam is that it is the location of Isra and Miraj of the prophet Hz.Muhammad. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first Qibla of Muslims. With the acceptance of the Kaaba as the Qibla after the second year of the Hijra, Muslims began pray facing the Kaaba instead of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Sultan Ahmet Mosque:The Sultan Ahmet Mosque was built by Architect Sedefkar Mehmet Ağa between 1609-1616 for Sultan Ahmet the 1st. Due to its blue,green and white Iznik tile patterns and blue hand-drawn decorations, it is known as the Blue Mosque by Europeans.
The Mosque is a large complex with madrasas, bazaar, Turkish Baths, fountain, hospital, hospice and shopsin it. The interiorof the mosque has the floor plan of a four leaved clover. The worship area is refreshing with 260 masterly placed Windows. With these windows, the large dome appears to be suspended in air. The Sultan Ahmet Mosque has the characteristics of being Turkey's first 6 minaret mosque. Four of the minarets have three balconies (şerefe) and two have two balconies. The minarets having 16 balconies demonstrate that Sultan Ahmet is the 16th sultan.
The commemorative block themed the Turkey-Palestine Joint Stamp consists of two stamps valued 1.10 and 2.20 Turkish Liras and has been issued on 12.12.2013

150th Anniversary of Turkish Stamps

   The first Ottoman Empire stamp was printed in the Darphane-i Amire and released or sale on January 13, 1863. The stamps that were printed in the period of Postmaster Agah Efendi, were made using the black lithography on white paper technique with paint applied to them by sponge and they were prepared without perforations.
  Stamp production started with the lithography technique and progressed to typography, plate print, photogravure over time and from 1941 to 2011 offset printing was used and starting in the year 2011 the digital printing technique was used to print stamps within the capacity of the Post and Telegraph Organization. As of 2009, in order to meet the need for perforation variety and increased security features, special perforations started to be used.
   Turkish Stamps, which have a 150 year history, feature Turkey's history,culture,touristic assets an famous individuals therefore shedding light on economical and social events. They have been created by expert hands to reach world standarts and continue on this path with an innovative approach towards following the latest technological developments.
   In memory of the 150th year of Turkish Stamps Post and Telegraph Organization has presented for sale a commemorative block of 4 gilded and embossed stamps including some octagonal stamps and a commemorative gilded and embossed block with serial numbers from 1 to 4.000 that will be released into circulation on the same date.