Showing posts with label first day cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first day cover. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

92nd Year of The Republic of Turkey

Republic is a form of state in which a nation holds sovereignty and exercises it through members of parliament elected for determined periods.
To result the National Struggle and Turkish War of Independence, which started with the “Either independence or death” principle, in victory is the beginning of the way to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The Republic, which we have celebrated the 92nd year in this year, was established on 29 October 1923.
A commemoration block themed “92nd Year of the Republic of Turkey” and a first day cover ( FDC ) together with stamp portfolio including the mentioned products were put into circulation by PTT on 29 October 2015.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Water For Life Themed Stamp

Water For Life Themed Stamp

En küçük canlı organizmadan en büyük canlı varlığa kadar, bütün biyolojik yaşamı ve insan faaliyetlerini ayakta tutan su canlıların yaşaması için hayati öneme sahiptir.
Dünya nüfusunun hızla artması buna karşılık su kaynaklarının sabit kalması ve içilebilir suların büyük bir kısmının boşa harcanarak tüketilmesi, kirlilik ve yenilenebilir olarak yönetilmemesi suya olan ihtiyacı her geçen gün daha da artırmaktadır.
Suyu korumaya yönelik etkin eylemler gerçekleştirilmesi amacı ile Birleşmiş Milletler 2005 - 2015 yılları “Hayat İçin Su” Uluslararası On Yılı olarak ilan etmiş ve UNESCO tarafından da 2005 – 2015 “Hayat İçin Su” Uluslararası On Yılı Eylemi’ni destekleme kararı alınmıştır.
PTT Dünyamızın karşı karşıya olduğu en önemli sorunlardan biri olan su kıtlığı karşısında suyun korunması ve bilinçli tüketilmesi konularında farkındalık yaratmak amacı ile ‘Hayat İçin Su’ konulu anma bloğu ile ilkgün zarfı 07.10.2015 tarihinde tedavüle sunulmuştur.

Water is of vital importance for surviving aquatic creatures, which keep alive all biological life and human activities, from the smallest living organism to the biggest living creature.
The need for water is increasing day by day because of the fact that water resources are stable and most of the potable waters are consumed by wasting and are failed to be managed in terms of their pollution and renewal while the world population is increasing rapidly.
In order to perform activities for protecting water, the United Nations declared the years between 2005-2015 as “Water for Life” international decade and also UNESCO decided to support the action of “Water for Life” international decade for the years between 2005 -2015.
In order to create awareness for protecting the water against water scarcity, which is one of the most important problems that our world encounter, and enabling water to be consumed consciously, a commemoration block and first day cover themed “Water for Life” were put into circulation PTT on 07 October 2015.

Tags:  hayat için su, unesco, ptt, anma bloğu, ilkgün zarfı, tedavül, water for life, commemoration block, first day cover, stamp

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Fifa Women's World Cup Canada 2015

Fifa Women's World Cup Canada 2015 Stamps and FDC

Through its women’s football development programmes, International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) aims to increase participation of women and girls in football, spark excitement for women’s football, create the best opportunities for women’s football to thrive and ensure that football continues to be the number-one female team sport.
Since 2011, FIFA has increase the scope of their programmes and put more emphasis on the importance of growing women’s football around the world.
The FIFA Women’s World Cup™, showcases the highest level of women’s football with the best countries in the world competing for the title of World Champion. The tournament is held every four years, with Canada set to host this year’s event in six designated Host Cities - Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal and Moncton. In this seventh edition of the tournament, that was first held in 1991 in China, 24 national teams will compete between 6 June and 5 July 2015.
To celebrate this tournament, four valuable commemorative stamps and a first day cover with “FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015TM” theme will be released on 06.06.2015 by PTT to provide specific support toward developing and increasing the participation of women and girls in football.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Works Unesco's World Heritage List - Istanbul


İstanbul, known as the city with seven hills, has been one of the oldest cities bearing witness to the history. İstanbul, an intercontinental city, has a distinguished silhouette with priceless beauty at all hours of the day and night and every day of the year. This legendary city whose streets smell history, is one of the most special geographical areas in the world where the cross-cultural communication has still continued.
The historic areas of İstanbul, having universal value, were registered into UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1985. These historic areas consist of four regions:
1. Sultanahmet Urban Archaeological Conservation Area: This area consists of two region: One of them is Sur-i Sultani, located in the east side of Historical Peninsula and over Sarayburnu Hill where The Topkapı Palace is situated, and the other one is Sultanahmet. The East and South frontiers of this area are composed of the Marmara shore walls. The west frontier of this area starts from Sur-u Sultani in the north and reaches to the Marmara Walls in the south by including Small Hagia Sophia.
2. Suleymaniye Mosque and its Associated Conservation Area: This area is located in the surroundings of Süleymaniye Social Complex and Şehzade Mehmet Social Complex constituting a deterministic point for the city silhouette on a hill overlooking Haliç and it contains Vefa and Vezneciler districts.
3. Zeyrek Mosque and its Associated Conservation Area: This area is situated in a terrace overlooking Haliç and in the west side of Atatürk Boulevard and it consists of the Molla Zeyrek Mosque and the streets surrounding it.
4. İstanbul Land Walls Conservation Area: This area contains the walls and its immediate surroundings bordering the peninsula, on which the city was founded, in the west and extending to Haliç in the north by starting from the Sea of Marmara in the south.
A commemoration block with four stamps themed “Our Works in UNESCO’s World Heritage List (İstanbul)” and a first day cover - fdc were put into circulation by  PTT on 21 May 2015.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Valuable Stones


The civilization started with stones. The first devices were sharpened by banging two stones together and the fires were ignited by the sparkle diffusing from the stones. The fire cooked the mud and then it became ceramic; it smelted the ore and then the mineral was found. Sentiments, fears and beliefs were expressed by the stones and at first the history was written in stones. The colorful and sparkling stones gained different meanings with their various features. Valuable and semi-precious stones have been used as the symbols of beauty, wealthiness and status since prehistoric ages.
A commemorative stamp with the subject of ‘valuable stones’, on which the visuals of lüle taşı (Sepiolit) and Oltu taşı (Jet Stones) that have an important place in our country are situated and a first day cover were put into circulation by PTT on 29 April 2015.
LÜLE TAŞI: The lüle taşı is a white clay mineral which is known as ‘sepiolit’ in the science world. The high quality of processable sepiolit is just extracted from Eskişehir all over the world. It has been used in the production of tobacco pipe and knickknackery as an art and decoration material.
OLTU TAŞI: The Oltu taşı is generally a semi-precious black stone which has mostly a carbon constituent. This stone, which is extracted from the territories of Oltu, the county of Erzurum, is called with the name of ‘Oltu’ throughout the world. It is used for the production of trappings, jewellery and especially beads.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Peace Summit


The Ottoman Empire was one of the six major belligerent Powers during the whole duration of the First World War, the salient event of the past century which ushered in modern times. The Ottoman Empire entered the Great War on 29 October 1914 and surrendered exactly four years later on 30 October 1918, only ten days before Germany did so. The First World War was forced upon Turkey. The Entente Powers rejected Turkey’s wish to side with them and did not offer any meaningful guarantees for the Empire’s territorial integrity.
The Ottoman Empire’s performance during the Great War was heroic and for both its allies and foes, surprising, to say the least. It was not an industrialized Power and not one of those rich empires of the time with seemingly endless resources. But it had the most diversified fronts running in all four directions. It fought in Europe, in Gallipoli, Galicia and the Caucasus and in Palestine, Suez and Mesopotamia. The Great War, which the Empire entered into for self-defense, brought calamity to the peoples who lived in the fold of the Ottomans, and it robbed the country of its best and the brightest. Only in Gallipoli, Turkey lost nearly 40.000 high school and university graduates. Then the National War of Liberation ensued under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, leading to the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey on 29 October, 1923. Turkey, understands the unique role it can play in instilling the conditions of lasting peace, and prosperity in its wider region, and earnestly tries to live up to this promise.
In a broader sense the First World War takes its place in the series of those great events which shaped the flow of history and defined Turkey’s European character and credentials, hence Turkey’s European vocation and its membership negotiations with the European Union.
Our Company issued two commemorative stamp blocs in recognition of the “Peace Summit” which was held in Istanbul on 23 April 2015 with the purpose of sending a peace message to the whole world on basis of the friendly relations established by Turkey with the former belligerent countries of the Battle of Çanakkale remembered as the last “Gentlemen’s War” in history as well as drawing attention to the difficulties faced all across the world today.
The commemorative stamps on the theme “Peace Summit” have a value of 1.25 and 2.50 Turkish Liras. The stamp portfolio includes the aforementioned commemorative stamps, a commemoration block without perforation with serial number from 0001 to 5000 valuing 2.50 Turkish Liras, a commemoration block with perforation valuing 4 Turkish Liras, as well as a first day cover. The portfolio has been issued as of 23 April 2015.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

100th Year Of Birth Of Yasar Dogu

100th Year Of Birth Of Yasar Dogu
Yaşar Doğu who is the one of the most important sportsmen of turkish wrestling community was born in 1913 in Karlı Village of Kavak district of Samsun. He improved himself by doing karakucak in harvests and village weddings and became a wrestler. He entered to Güneş Wrestling Club in Ankara in the year of 1936 and participated in competitions on behalf of his club in Olympic wresting. He got into the National Team in the year of 1939.
Our national wrester, who has achieved countless victories both in country and out of country during his wresting career, became the World Champion in Helsinki World Freestyle Wrestling Championship in 1951.
Yaşar Doğu started to serve the Turkish wrestling as a coach after the year of 1952. He was deceased due to a heart attack in Ankara on 8 January 1961.
Yaşar Doğu is a wrestler whose strength admired by not only by Turkey but the whole world. His struggle and efforts to coach people for the sport of wrestling in our country is valuable as much as the championship he has achieved. During his sports life, he has only lost one match out of 47 Freestyle and Greco-Roman style and he was won 33 of 46 matches he has won with "fall".
At the centenary of his birth, the works regarding the transformation of his house in Emirli Village where he lived through his youth and adolescence years has been started by Hüseyin Aksoy, the Governer of Samsun.
A permanent postage stamp and first day cover of one value in commemoration of centenary of Yaşar Doğu, one of the most important people in Turkish sports history was put into circulation on the date of 23.12.2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

50th Year of The Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry

   The Faculty of Dentistry was established in 1963 and is one of the oldest faculties of Ankara University, the first university to be established by the Republic. In the 50 years since its establishment it has aimed to provide the best and most quality service at international standards with its experienced staff, it has kept patient satisfaction at top level, and has assisted in the establishment of many faculties of dentistry in Turkey and aboard and it also has adopted these as a mission.
   During certain periods, the faculty organizes national and international symposiums, panel discussions, conferences and it invites speakers from abroad for these panel discussions and conferences. Most of its teaching staff participates in international conferences and meetings and scientific studies conducted at the faculty are presented in the form of written andi oral communiques.
   The Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry has eight clinical departments, which are Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral-Dental and Maxillofacial Therapy, Endodontia, Orthodontia, Pedodontia, Periodontology and Prosthetic Dentistry and one Basic Sciences Department. It maintains its position as one of the pioneers of modern dentistry education.
   PTT has issued a commemorative stamp consisting of one value and first day cover on 14.12.2013 in commemoration of the 50th Year of the Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry