EUROPA CEPT 2015 (OLD TOYS) Stamps and FDC

The Toy, the witness of its age in the broadest sense, represents the economic-social-cultural characteristics of its own period both as a simple public work of art and developed manufactured product.
Having an important place on the intellectual, emotional, pyhsical and social development of kids, the toy is a historical and cultural product which helps kids to realize their own powers and to adapt themselves to the world of adults. Even if the alteration of the understanding for children and childhood have caused in the diversification of the toys within the hictorical process, the toy has preserved its basic function which consists of subjecting the children to the world and preparing them for life. In this context, it is observed that there are a lot of commonalities rather than discrepancies among the toys of different ages, cultures and nations.
Two valuable commemorative
stamp with the subject of Europa 2015 (Old Toys) by using the visuals of tumbrel with hammers, hand-crafted local baby and toy cradles which are existed in the collection of Ankara University Toy Museum and photographed by Doğanay Çevik, were put into circulation by PTT on 9 May 2015.