Showing posts with label ottoman empire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ottoman empire. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Peace Summit


The Ottoman Empire was one of the six major belligerent Powers during the whole duration of the First World War, the salient event of the past century which ushered in modern times. The Ottoman Empire entered the Great War on 29 October 1914 and surrendered exactly four years later on 30 October 1918, only ten days before Germany did so. The First World War was forced upon Turkey. The Entente Powers rejected Turkey’s wish to side with them and did not offer any meaningful guarantees for the Empire’s territorial integrity.
The Ottoman Empire’s performance during the Great War was heroic and for both its allies and foes, surprising, to say the least. It was not an industrialized Power and not one of those rich empires of the time with seemingly endless resources. But it had the most diversified fronts running in all four directions. It fought in Europe, in Gallipoli, Galicia and the Caucasus and in Palestine, Suez and Mesopotamia. The Great War, which the Empire entered into for self-defense, brought calamity to the peoples who lived in the fold of the Ottomans, and it robbed the country of its best and the brightest. Only in Gallipoli, Turkey lost nearly 40.000 high school and university graduates. Then the National War of Liberation ensued under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, leading to the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey on 29 October, 1923. Turkey, understands the unique role it can play in instilling the conditions of lasting peace, and prosperity in its wider region, and earnestly tries to live up to this promise.
In a broader sense the First World War takes its place in the series of those great events which shaped the flow of history and defined Turkey’s European character and credentials, hence Turkey’s European vocation and its membership negotiations with the European Union.
Our Company issued two commemorative stamp blocs in recognition of the “Peace Summit” which was held in Istanbul on 23 April 2015 with the purpose of sending a peace message to the whole world on basis of the friendly relations established by Turkey with the former belligerent countries of the Battle of Çanakkale remembered as the last “Gentlemen’s War” in history as well as drawing attention to the difficulties faced all across the world today.
The commemorative stamps on the theme “Peace Summit” have a value of 1.25 and 2.50 Turkish Liras. The stamp portfolio includes the aforementioned commemorative stamps, a commemoration block without perforation with serial number from 0001 to 5000 valuing 2.50 Turkish Liras, a commemoration block with perforation valuing 4 Turkish Liras, as well as a first day cover. The portfolio has been issued as of 23 April 2015.

Friday, December 13, 2013

150th Anniversary of Turkish Stamps

   The first Ottoman Empire stamp was printed in the Darphane-i Amire and released or sale on January 13, 1863. The stamps that were printed in the period of Postmaster Agah Efendi, were made using the black lithography on white paper technique with paint applied to them by sponge and they were prepared without perforations.
  Stamp production started with the lithography technique and progressed to typography, plate print, photogravure over time and from 1941 to 2011 offset printing was used and starting in the year 2011 the digital printing technique was used to print stamps within the capacity of the Post and Telegraph Organization. As of 2009, in order to meet the need for perforation variety and increased security features, special perforations started to be used.
   Turkish Stamps, which have a 150 year history, feature Turkey's history,culture,touristic assets an famous individuals therefore shedding light on economical and social events. They have been created by expert hands to reach world standarts and continue on this path with an innovative approach towards following the latest technological developments.
   In memory of the 150th year of Turkish Stamps Post and Telegraph Organization has presented for sale a commemorative block of 4 gilded and embossed stamps including some octagonal stamps and a commemorative gilded and embossed block with serial numbers from 1 to 4.000 that will be released into circulation on the same date.