Miniature Themed Official Postage Stamps
Monday, December 14, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
92nd Year of The Republic of Turkey
To result the National Struggle and Turkish War of Independence, which started with the “Either independence or death” principle, in victory is the beginning of the way to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The Republic, which we have celebrated the 92nd year in this year, was established on 29 October 1923.
A commemoration block themed “92nd Year of the Republic of Turkey” and a first day cover ( FDC ) together with stamp portfolio including the mentioned products were put into circulation by PTT on 29 October 2015.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
175th Anniversary of PTT
175th Anniversary of PTT stamps and FDC
İlk Posta Teşkilatı Tanzimat Fermanı ile yaşanan gelişmelerin sonucu olarak tüm halkın posta ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermek amacıyla 23 Ekim 1840 tarihinde Posta Nezareti olarak kurulmuştur. İlk Postahane ise İstanbul'da Yeni Cami avlusunda Postahane-i Amire adı ile açılmıştır.
1843 yılında telgrafın icadını müteakip 11 yıl sonra ülkemizde de telgraf hizmeti başlamış, bu hizmeti disipline etmek üzere 1855 yılında ayrı bir Telgraf Müdürlüğü kurulmuştur.
1871 yılında ise Posta Nazırlığı ile Telgraf Müdürlüğü birleştirilerek Posta ve Telgraf Nezaretine dönüştürülmüştür.
1876 yılında milletlerarası posta nakli şebekesi kurulmuş, 1901 yılında ise koli ve havale işleminin kabulüne başlanmıştır.
23 Mayıs 1909 tarihinde ilk manuel telefon santralinin İstanbul'da hizmete başlamasından sonra Posta ve Telgraf Nezareti, 1909 yılında Posta, Telgraf ve Telefon Nezareti haline dönüştürülmüş, 1913 yılında da Posta, Telgraf ve Telefon Umum Müdürlüğü adını almıştır.
18 Haziran 1994 tarihinde PTT İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü, T.C. Posta İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü ve Türk Telekomünikasyon Anonim Şirketi şeklinde yeniden yapılanmış ve 24 Nisan 1995 tarihinden itibaren T.C. Posta İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü olarak faaliyetini sürdürmüştür. 29 Ocak 2000 tarihinde ise "T.C. Posta İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü" olan Şirketimizin adı "T.C. Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı Genel Müdürlüğü" (PTT) olarak değiştirilmiştir.
Şirketimiz haberleşme, ulaştırma, finans alanlarında yaşanan sektörel değişimler ile sürekli yükselen müşteri beklentilerini karşılama konusunda her geçen gün ileriye doğru adımlar atarak 2013 yılında "T.C. Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı Anonim Şirketi" adı ile yeniden yapılanmıştır.
Posta, kargo, bankacılık ve elektronik ticaret alanlarında; Türkiye çapında yaygınlaşmış hizmet ağı, iki asra yakın tecrübesi, çağdaş teknoloji ve güçlü kadroları ile ekonomik, hızlı, güvenli ve kaliteli hizmet sunmayı misyon edinen 175 yıllık köklü bir geçmişe sahip Şirketimiz, bugün değişen teknoloji ile birlikte kendini günden güne geliştiren yenilikçi ve çağdaş bir yaklaşımla yoluna devam etmektedir.
PTT kuruluşunun 175. gurur yılı anısına “PTT’nin Kuruluşunun 175. Yılı” konulu 2,80 Türk Lirası ve 3x 1,40 Türk Lirası değerli dört adet anma pulu; içerisinde 0001’den 5.000’e kadar seri numaralı 2,80 Türk Lirası değerli bir adet perforajsız seri numaralı anma bloğu ile dört pullu anma serisinin ve ilkgün zarfının yer alacağı pul portföyü; 2x60 Kuruş, 4x1,40 Türk Lirası ve 4x2,80 Türk Lirası değerli on puldan oluşan 5.000 adet pul karnesi ve ilkgün zarfı 23.10.2015 tarihinde tedavüle sunulmuştur.
As a result of the developments that had experienced with the Hatt-ı Sharif of Gülhane (Tanzimat Fermanı), the first postal organization was established as the ‘Ministry of Post’ (Posta Nezareti) on 23th October 1840 with the purpose of satisfying the postal needs of the whole community of the Ottoman Empire. The first post office opened under the name of ‘Postahane-i Amire’ at the courtyard of the ‘Yeni Camii’ (New Mosque) in Istanbul.
11 years later right after the invention of telegraph in 1843, the telegraph service had started also in the country and a separate ‘Directorate of Telegraph’ was established in 1855 in order to discipline this service across the country.
‘The Ministry of Post’ and ‘The Directorate of Telegraph’ were united under the name of the ‘Ministry of Post and Telegraph’ in 1871.
In 1876, international postal transportation network was established and it started to accept the transactions of money order and parcel in 1901.
After the foundation of the first manuel telephone exchange service in Istanbul on 23th May 1909, the ‘Ministry of Post and Telegraph’ was transformed into the ‘Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone’ at the same year. The transformation continued progressively and it was named as the ‘General Directorate of Post, Telegraph and Telephone’ in 1913.
On 18th June 1994, the General Directorate of PTT was restructured as the ‘Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Posts’ and ‘Turkish Telecommunication Corporation’. It carried out its activities as ‘Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Posts’ as of 24th April 1995. On 29th January 2000, the name of our Corporation which had been ‘Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Posts’ was changed as ‘Republic of Turkey, The General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT)’.
By taking the right steps forward with the industry-specific variation in the areas of communications, transportation and finance and in relation to satisfy the ever increasing customers expectations; our corporation was restructured as ‘Republic of Turkey, Postal and Telegraph Corporation’ in 2013.
Our Corporation that has a 175 years long-standing background and aims to provide economical, fast, reliable and best quality service in the areas of postal, cargo, banking and e-commerce fields with its wide-ranging service network across the country, with its two-centuries experience, with the contemporary technology and with its experienced staff; has been proceeded with an innovative and modern approach with the help of today’s changing technology.
In commemoration of the pride 175th establishment year of PTT; four commemorative stamps themed the ‘175th Anniversary of PTT’ with the values of 2,80 and 3x1,40 Turkish Liras; 2,80 Turkish Liras valued one commemorative block without perforation with the serial numbers from 0001 to 5.000 and a stamp portfolio including the first day cover and commemorative serial with four stamps, 5.000 stamp booklets consisting of ten stamps with 2x0,60, 4x1,40 and 4x2,80 Turkish Liras and a first day cover were put into circulation on 23th October 2015.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Water For Life Themed Stamp
Water For Life Themed Stamp
En küçük canlı organizmadan en büyük canlı varlığa kadar, bütün biyolojik yaşamı ve insan faaliyetlerini ayakta tutan su canlıların yaşaması için hayati öneme sahiptir. Dünya nüfusunun hızla artması buna karşılık su kaynaklarının sabit kalması ve içilebilir suların büyük bir kısmının boşa harcanarak tüketilmesi, kirlilik ve yenilenebilir olarak yönetilmemesi suya olan ihtiyacı her geçen gün daha da artırmaktadır.
Suyu korumaya yönelik etkin eylemler gerçekleştirilmesi amacı ile Birleşmiş Milletler 2005 - 2015 yılları “Hayat İçin Su” Uluslararası On Yılı olarak ilan etmiş ve UNESCO tarafından da 2005 – 2015 “Hayat İçin Su” Uluslararası On Yılı Eylemi’ni destekleme kararı alınmıştır.
PTT Dünyamızın karşı karşıya olduğu en önemli sorunlardan biri olan su kıtlığı karşısında suyun korunması ve bilinçli tüketilmesi konularında farkındalık yaratmak amacı ile ‘Hayat İçin Su’ konulu anma bloğu ile ilkgün zarfı 07.10.2015 tarihinde tedavüle sunulmuştur.
The need for water is increasing day by day because of the fact that water resources are stable and most of the potable waters are consumed by wasting and are failed to be managed in terms of their pollution and renewal while the world population is increasing rapidly.
In order to perform activities for protecting water, the United Nations declared the years between 2005-2015 as “Water for Life” international decade and also UNESCO decided to support the action of “Water for Life” international decade for the years between 2005 -2015.
In order to create awareness for protecting the water against water scarcity, which is one of the most important problems that our world encounter, and enabling water to be consumed consciously, a commemoration block and first day cover themed “Water for Life” were put into circulation PTT on 07 October 2015.
Tags: hayat için su, unesco, ptt, anma bloğu, ilkgün zarfı, tedavül, water for life, commemoration block, first day cover, stamp
PTT Dünyamızın karşı karşıya olduğu en önemli sorunlardan biri olan su kıtlığı karşısında suyun korunması ve bilinçli tüketilmesi konularında farkındalık yaratmak amacı ile ‘Hayat İçin Su’ konulu anma bloğu ile ilkgün zarfı 07.10.2015 tarihinde tedavüle sunulmuştur.
Water is of vital importance for surviving aquatic creatures, which keep alive all biological life and human activities, from the smallest living organism to the biggest living creature.The need for water is increasing day by day because of the fact that water resources are stable and most of the potable waters are consumed by wasting and are failed to be managed in terms of their pollution and renewal while the world population is increasing rapidly.
In order to perform activities for protecting water, the United Nations declared the years between 2005-2015 as “Water for Life” international decade and also UNESCO decided to support the action of “Water for Life” international decade for the years between 2005 -2015.
In order to create awareness for protecting the water against water scarcity, which is one of the most important problems that our world encounter, and enabling water to be consumed consciously, a commemoration block and first day cover themed “Water for Life” were put into circulation PTT on 07 October 2015.
Tags: hayat için su, unesco, ptt, anma bloğu, ilkgün zarfı, tedavül, water for life, commemoration block, first day cover, stamp
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
Turkish Cuisine has a wide range of tastes such as olive oil dishes, kebabs, dishes with meat, pastry, soups, salads, desserts types and such kind of foods.
The basis of Aegean Cuisine, which has a food culture inherited increasingly from generation to generation, is formed by olive and olive oil and with its delicious grass types, Aegean Cuisine is also defined as “Green Cuisine”. As well as grasses and olive oil dishes, different kinds of pastry such as lokma tatlısı - sweet dumplings, höşmerim - a sweet made of unsalted cheese, arabaşı - a kind of spicy chicken soup, keşkek - a dish of mutton or chicken and coursely ground wheat, kıymalı bulgurlu yaprak sarma - minced stuffed grape leaves with bulgur, güveç - casserole, çömlek eti - kebab en cocotte, patlıcan böreği - pastry with eggplant, soğan böreği - pastry with onion and yahniler - stews, dishes made by bulgur, tarhana - soup with dried yoghurt and dessert types are also outstanding dish types of Aegean Cuisine.
Four valuable commemorative blocks and a first day cover prepared by using the visuals of “Çökertme Kebabı - Sliced Steak Served on a Bed of Finger Fried Potatoes”, “Black-Eyed Pea”, “Sinkonta” and “Şevket-i Bostan”,which are among the most delicious tastes of Aegean Cuisine, were put into circulation by PTT on 17.08.2015.
Tag: Turkish stamps, local dishes, food stamps, aegean region, stamps, stamp, turkey stamp, ptt, aegean cuisine
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