Friday, April 10, 2015

Historical Bridges Malabadi Bridge and On Gozlu Bridge


South-Eastern Anatolia Region which has hosted many civilizations from ancient ages until today is located on the junction point of important trade routes. The historical bridges located in the region are not only used for transition, but also for accommodation, recreation and sheltering.
Within this scope, commemoration stamps with additional value, on which “Malabadi Bridge” and “On Gözlü Bridge” are placed, and first day cover were put into circulation on 10 April 2015.
MALABADI BRIDGE: As it is understood from the inscription, placed on the historical bridge on the Batman Brook, “Malabadi Bridge” was constructed by Timurtaş from Artukoğulları on the dates of 1147-1148. In accordance with its plan, it extends in East-West direction with the shape of fault lines having different lengths. Its main material of construction is yellow limestone. This Bridge which was constructed for crossing over the Batman Brook, is not only a structure for the purpose of transition but also it is a structure providing the passengers, who are travelling on this road, with recreation and accommodation. Besides, there are two rooms on both sides of the bridge arch used for providing the protection and security of the Bridge.
ON GÖZLÜ BRIDGE: This Bridge, located in Diyarbakır, is also known as “Dicle Bridge”, “Silvan Bridge” or “Mervani Bridge”. As it is understood from the inscription, placed on this Bridge, it was constructed in the period of Nizamüddin Nasr on the dates of 1065-1067, in time of Mervanoğulları. The Bridge which has 10 arches was completely constructed with basalt face stone and rubble stone.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Preventing Bread Waste


The Famine and Malnutrition is threatening our world with a population bigger than 7 billion. 805 million people are facing starvation and 10 million people in which most of them are children lose their lives every year.
Since it is expected that the world population will reach to 9 billion in 2050, it is considered that a starvation crisis will rise as the production may not be increased by 60% in order to feed this population.
The wheat, basic raw material of the bread is becoming a strategic asset in our world struggling against starvation. Therefore, the prevention of waste of food and primary bread and protection of resources has gained significance.
The Campaign for Preventing the Bread Waste was started on 17 January 2013 as a social responsibility project under the Prime Ministry of Honorable Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN started with sensibility.
As a result of the research conducted in 2013 for obtaining the first results and determining the effect of the campaign, which was conducted in coordination with Turkish Grain Board and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, it was seen that the Campaign contributed 2,8 billion Turkish Lira to the national economy.
The commemoration stamp and first day cover with Bandanets and a value of 1,25 Turkish Liras with the subject of “Preventing Bread Waste” were put into circulation on the date of 19.01.2015 by PTT in order to contribute to announce this subject to large masses and support the Campaign for Preventing the Bread Waste.